Yes On 3 Rally

Hundreds of Bostonians turned up for Freedom for All Massachusetts’ Yes on 3 Rally this morning in Copley Square to fight for trans rights in MA to remain in place after this November’s ballot questions. The upcoming Election Day will ask Mass voters whether or not to preserve the current law in place that protects transgender citizens from discrimination in public places such as stores, public restrooms, and medical offices. Voting “yes” on Question 3 maintains these current protections as they are. Read more about Question 3 here.
Freedom for All Massachusetts prepared a host of terrific speakers to share their thoughts on transgender equality and motivate their audience to vote #YesOn3. Representative Joe Kennedy started the rally on a strong note, promoting the continuation and progression of MA equality by powerfully stating, “[t]he spirit of free runs in our veins in Mass.” Following Kennedy’s words, prosecutor and leader Rachael Rollins spoke, saying “I am voting #YesOn3 because it makes our communities safer.”
Transgender Keshet member Kaden then spoke about the importance of upholding his and the rest of the transgender community’s rights by voting yes in November. “Super volunteer Dee Rogers” followed Kaden’s speech with some words of his own on the weight and urgency of voting #YesOn3 by calling for volunteers to sign up in the upcoming months. You can sign up here if you’re interested in joining the fight!
Shown in an inspiring and motivating video on the Freedom for All Massachusetts Twitter feed, TransEquality‘s Raffi Freedman-Gurspan urged the audience to “call again and again, be persistent,” and “not give up.” The rally ended on a high note with a beautiful performance on what it means to be transgender from Boston-based Voices Rising Chorus.
Image Attribute: Freedom for All Massachusetts Twitter