[Featured Non-Profit]: Massachusetts Nonprofit Network

Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN) was founded in 2007 by a small group of non-profit sector leaders. Eleven years later, MNN remains the only statewide organization in the non-profit field with an ever-growing number of members. MNN have five full-time employees working at their office based on Atlantic Avenue in Downtown …
[Featured Non-Profit]: Room to Grow

Room to Grow is a three-year program that solely supports low-income families with parenting education and material goods to ensure their children have the right skills to thrive from the start of their lives. The non-profit organization is based in both New York and Boston. The Boston office, situated on …
[Featured Non-Profit]: The Hub Theatre Company

The Hub Theatre Company of Boston was formed in the spring of 2012 by Lauren Elias and Jon Geoffion. While Jon has moved away from Boston, Lauren remains involved in the group and is the only full-time person with two part-time employees. Each year is regarded as a season at …
[Featured Non-Profit]: Boston by Foot

Boston by Foot is a non-profit organization that specializes mainly in guided walking tours and has been in existence since 1976. The organization offers 95 different types of walking tours that are available from April to November, while private tours are available all year round. Boston by Foot’s tours take …
[Featured Non-Profit]: SpeakOUT

SpeakOUT is a leader and trendsetter in its field as the Boston based non-profit is the oldest LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queer and Questioning, Intersex and Asexual) speakers bureau in the United States. Ellyn Ruthstrom is the current executive director of SpeakOUT. She had experience of the organization upon …
[Featured Non-Profit]: Empower Success Corps

Last year Empower Success Corps (ESC) celebrated its 35th anniversary and the group has committed to its mission ever since its establishment to provide the highest quality consulting services to fellow non-profit organizations. From their base in Downtown Boston, ESC has been offering their services to non-profits in Massachusetts, Rhode …
[Featured Non-Profit]: The Phillips Brooks House Association

The Phillips Brooks House Association (PBHA) have been a permanent fixture in the grounds of the famous Harvard Yard for over 100 years. The association’s building is located in the top left corner of the yard upon entering through Morgan Gate on Massachusetts Avenue and has been there since 1900. …
[Featured Non-Profit]: Enroot

Ben Clark has overseen quite a bit of change at Enroot since he became executive director almost five years ago. For starters, when he was appointed to the position back in November 2013 the non-profit organization was not even called Enroot. The group was Cambridge Community Services (CCS) and it …
[Featured Non-Profit]: BUILD Greater Boston

In 1999, an idea was generated on the west coast of the United States by Suzanne McKechnie Klahr on how to help people achieve success in business through entrepreneurship. The idea was constructed and became known as BUILD. BUILD has since expanded to five cities including Boston with the office …